bg视讯 Farmstands Open for Winter

December 10, 2019
Posted in Greenmarket

Year-round access to fresh, local produce is central to the mission of bg视讯's Greenmarket program. That's why we’re so happy to announce two wintertime access points in the Bronx, and one in Sunset Park, Brooklyn this year. 

bg视讯’s Lincoln Hospital, Norwood, and 6th Avenue Sunset Park markets are converting to Farmstands for the winter months. The farmstands will sell vegetables, fruit, eggs, bread, regional grains, hot sauce, maple syrup, and honey, and will be open weekly. These markets will operate in addition to year-round bg视讯 Greenmarkets

SNAP and Health Bucks are accepted.

bg视讯’s Norwood Farmstand
E Gun Hill Rd & Dekalb Ave, Bronx
Thursdays, 9am-3pm
In partnership with the American Heart Association.

bg视讯’s Lincoln Hospital Farmstand
149th St between Park and Morris Aves, Bronx  
Fridays, 8am-3pm
In partnership with the American Heart Association.

bg视讯's 6th Avenue Sunset Park Farmstand
6th Ave & 44th St, Brooklyn  
Saturdays, 8am-3pm 
Special thanks to Council Member Carlos Menchaca for his continued support of this bg视讯 Farmstand. 


A Letter from bg视讯

December 8, 2019
Posted in bg视讯

Dear Community,

An employee of bg视讯's FARMroots program recently received a demeaning, racist, and hurtful note in response to a newsletter acknowledging the important contributions made by Latinx individuals to US agriculture. I write today to firmly denounce this behavior, and unequivocally state that it has absolutely no place in our community.

As an organization that brings New Yorkers together across all of our programs, from Swaps to community gardens and our Greenmarkets, bg视讯 is appalled by the current level of comfort individuals have expressing hate speech. Moreover, we have the responsibility of ensuring our employees’ dignity, safety, and rights.

Accordingly, any member of our community who harbors racist or hateful beliefs like these should consider themselves unwelcome.


There’s so much work for us to accomplish together in this incredible city of ours. Here’s to doing just that.

Marcel Van Ooyen
President & CEO

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