Making up just 5% of 的 world’s population, 美国消耗了世界30%的资源,制造了世界30%的垃圾. We have so much stuff that finding a place to put it is big business; 的 self-storage industry is booming. 今天, 在美国,每个美国人同时站在自助式屋顶的天篷下,这在物理上是可能的. 这并不奇怪, 然后, 近藤麻理惠, author of best-selling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” 掀起了一股整理杂物的热潮.
在她的Netflix节目上, 近藤教客户通过她特殊的整理过程使他们的家更宜居. The result is large piles of garbage bags filled with 服装, 家居用品, o的r items that no longer “spark joy” for 的ir owners. Read on for tips to break free of clutter, sustainably!
真正解决太多东西的方法, 当然, 就是减少消费, 买到更好的, 关心bg视讯已经拥有的东西——这让bg视讯更容易维持一个舒适的家, 对地球也有帮助! Next time you put your stuff on 的 curb, consider that for every garbage can placed out for collection, 的 equivalent of 71 garbage cans' worth of waste is created in mining, 农业和其他工业过程将原材料转化为成品和包装.
Tips to Responsibly De-Clutter Your Life:
1:清理干净. To achieve 的 highest use for unwanted items, choose to 交换 or 捐赠 什么是可用的. 对于电子产品、家用化学品和个人文件等物品,请结帐 本地资源 和 特别活动 回收:回收或安全处理. Need a little extra help getting started? 看看 How to Declutter Your 首页。 Fast: A Checklist for 的 Messy.
2 .做事有条理.When you’ve successfully pared down, reorder your home for daily life.Good organization keeps you from buying things you don’t need or already own, 并能创造更快乐的生活, 生活环境压力小.看看 整理生活的10种方法.
3 .改变习惯.To remain clutter free, slow 的 flow of new things into your home. 明智地购买,避免未来的浪费—choose high quality items you truly need 和 intend to use. 尝试零浪费的做法,比如修理你已经拥有和喜欢的东西 调停者的集体, 星期一修补, 修复星期五), 购买散装和无包装杂货. Spend less time shopping 和 managing stuff, 和More time on non-commercial activities like enjoying culture, 花时间在大自然中, 和志愿服务.
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